About the Artist

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Gay (taken, 3 years and going strong!)
Location: Texas, USA
Silent Hill Obsession: Valtiel, and just the overall mood of the series
Why the Valtiel Comics?: There simply aren't enough Valtiel tributes out there. Although he lurks on the sidelines and never says an understandable word, Valtiel is an amazing character and deserves just as much love as Pyramid Head. After all, he gave God a hat. How many characters in your games do that? Huh, huh?
What's so lovable about Valtiel?: If I had a nickle for everytime someone asked me that I'd be rich. Valtiel is an adorable character with a heart of puss. He's so incredibly dedicated, has amusing hobbies, and has such a mysterious personality I can't help but find myself attracted. I've actually had dreams about him, and they don't involve this cute thing you see running up and down my page. He tried to eat me several times!
Do you ever get sick of Valtiel?: No.
Do you ever get sick of anything you obsess over?: No.
Why?: Because I have no life. Oh, and I share a connection with everything I love. Yes, I am crazy.

Other hobbies: singing & writing
Original works: Mannequin Master, The Clark & SRELM FAQ, Kriss the Vampire Hunter, Vampire Sanctuary, Mary, [More to come]
Current phase: Actually, in all honesty, Valtiel isn't occupying my mind 24/7. At the moment an entertaining idea for a Robots plot line has gripped my tiny little mind. Yes, I saw the movie Robots and enjoyed it. Sue me. I've fallen head over heels for Madame Gasket. Not only her in general, but more specifically her character. A twisted homicidal maniac who spends all day killing people(bots) and lurks in a layer that suspiciously reminds one of Hell, let alone has an appearence song on the subject. What's not to love? Anyway, the story has no real plot yet, I might not even do anything with it. But it's there. Because there's simply not enough Madame Gasket out there. (She's neglected even on the Robots site!)


Valtiel and Silent Hill are copyright Konami. Tha Valtiel Comics is hosted by Comic Genesis.